How I Lowered My High Cholesterol Without Meds - 10 Key Factors Your Doctor May Not Tell You

I was 33 when my doctor’s office called and told me that I had high cholesterol, and they were calling me in a prescription for statins.

“Sometimes it’s just genetic,“ they said, but I knew the side effects of statin medications were not something I wanted. So if going on Lipitor was something that could be prevented with diet and exercise, that’s what I wanted to do.

To be fair, most patients aren’t willing to make the lifestyle changes necessary to control their cholesterol naturally, so I’m not going to go down the path of blaming the doctors and big pharma. There’s a time and a place for what they do. But not for me, an otherwise healthy adult male.

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Home Workout Must-Haves: Essential Amazon Finds for Fitness Enthusiasts

At-home workout programs are here to stay, and the trend is only getting bigger. The past few years have made people realize how much time and money they can save by doing their workouts at home, rolling that extra time they save into doing the things they love.

While it is true that you can get a great bodyweight workout, sooner or later you’re going to want to shake things up. For anybody looking to add a few tools to the toolbox, this guide is for you.

Let’s explore a few things you’ll want to have for great at-home workouts that keep you progressing and give you great results. Now all you’ll need to do is figure out what to do with all that extra time!

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7 Moves to Beat Back Pain

Back pain sucks, but that’s not news. About 80% of all people will experience it at some point in their lives, and most of the time it will be lower back pain.

Why is it so common? Lots of reasons: poor posture, sitting, sitting, and sitting. That’s not a typo.

Sitting places the structures in your body into weird positions and lets certain muscles get used to staying in shortened and tight positions. for low back pain, the main muscles affected are usually the hip flexors and hamstrings, which affect the position of the pelvis, which the affects the position of the backbone (yes, I’m using a colloquial term for spinal column, because science terms tend to make normal people’s eyes glaze over like a Krispy Kreme donut). Your glutes and hip rotators (especially piriformis) can get super tight, too!

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Folate Facts: What It Is, What It Does, Where to Get It, and Where NOT to (You might Be Surprised)

Overlooking the boring-sounding Vitamin B9, also called folate, is the biggest mistake you could make when fine-tuning your nutrition and supplement routine.

This nutrient does a lot. It helps DNA replicate for repairs, helps red blood cells multiply, slows aging, promotes muscle growth, acts as an antioxidant, helps make neurotransmitters like dopamine, helps make hemoglobin, improves fertility, and reduces the risk of birth defects and cancer.

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Before You Change What You Eat, Change HOW You Eat - A Case for Eating Slowly

Did you know that it was fashionable for people in the Victorian era to chew their food to absolute mush before swallowing it? 2,000 years before that, the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates recommended thoroughly chewing food before swallowing and consuming it in moderation for good health. Turns out, they were onto something.

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What are Heart Rate Zones? Here’s a Quick 411.

What do you think of when you hear a trainer tell you to do cardio? I don’t know about you, but I immediately start trying to figure out what they mean. For most, the term “cardio” is such a generic term that it means nothing and everything all at once. The worst part is, that the more you hear it, the less your brain even realizes the lack of information it is receiving.

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Ozempic Butt — Get Your Glutes Back: Nine Ways to Rebuild Your Backside

Ever see someone without a butt? I have. It’s usually an old white guy who has never purposefully exercised after his high-school sports career was over. But more and more, it’s been happening to all sorts of people. People who wanted weight loss but have lost more than they bargained for — their asses.

A common side effect of rapid weight loss starting to get more attention thanks to social media communities on TikTok and Instagram. What is now being called “Ozempic Butt,” is what happens when someone rapidly loses weight without their body hanging onto muscle tone. Even if a person is active, weight-loss-induced muscle wasting is a common side effect of popular GLP-1 agonist drugs like Ozempic and Mounjaro. The drugs, which work by slowing the digestive tract, thus tamping down hunger signals, can be incredibly helpful and even life-saving for people with certain medical conditions but are commonly prescribed off-label for rapid weight loss.

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Boost Your Well-being for Free: 5 Simple Habits for a Healthier Life

In a world where wellness often comes with a hefty price tag, it's refreshing to discover that there are simple, cost-free habits that can significantly impact your health and well-being. Recently, I shared my top five tips on Facebook, and they're all things you can do without spending a dime. Let's dive into these budget-friendly suggestions for a healthier lifestyle.

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Harness the Power of Probiotic Foods for a Healthier Life

Want to boost your digestive health and overall well-being? Probiotic foods might be the answer. When you have a healthy microbiome, your entire life is better. People who increase their intake of probiotics often report fewer feelings of anxiety and depression, clearer skin, more satisfying bowel movements, less stress, and better lab numbers at the doctor. Not bad, right?

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