Posts in back pain
Wake That Butt Up: 20 Exercises to Activate Your Glutes and Build Your Backside

There are lots of reasons to want a strong butt: looks, decreased back pain, healthier knees, and stronger hips. As I tell my clients all the time, a strong butt sets you up to do whatever you want in life. It is literally key to everything, and that is a hill I’m willing to die on.

In this blog post, we’ll focus on activating your glutes. Gluteal muscles switch off for all sorts of reasons (Dead Butt Syndrome anyone?). What we want to do is flip that glute switch the ON position.

The good news is that there are dozens (if not more) of glute exercises out there. I’ll do my best to organize them into something that makes sense here, so let’s look at some of my favorite glute exercises.

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7 Moves to Beat Back Pain

Back pain sucks, but that’s not news. About 80% of all people will experience it at some point in their lives, and most of the time it will be lower back pain.

Why is it so common? Lots of reasons: poor posture, sitting, sitting, and sitting. That’s not a typo.

Sitting places the structures in your body into weird positions and lets certain muscles get used to staying in shortened and tight positions. for low back pain, the main muscles affected are usually the hip flexors and hamstrings, which affect the position of the pelvis, which the affects the position of the backbone (yes, I’m using a colloquial term for spinal column, because science terms tend to make normal people’s eyes glaze over like a Krispy Kreme donut). Your glutes and hip rotators (especially piriformis) can get super tight, too!

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