Posts tagged vitamins
5 Supplements Most People Should Take

Vitamins and supplements are a hotly contested topic in the health and fitness world, with some claiming they are a worthless way to have expensive pee, while others claim they are absolutely essential. The fact of the matter is that both can be true, depending on the product, how it is made, and who is taking them.

In this blog post, we’ll explore five core supplements that most people should take, overview what to look for when choosing supplements, and how to decide how much (if any) of these is right for you.

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6 Reasons to Take a Multivitamin

Imagine trying to brush your teeth without toothpaste. It might work, but is it working as well as it could be? You mouth probably doesn’t feel as fresh or as clean as it should after brushing your teeth. Your body works kind of like that when it comes to vitamins and minerals.

Every moment of the day, chemical interactions are happening in your body. For that kind of magic to happen, your body needs the right ingredients. When the right vitamins and minerals are available, every cell is operating at its best, your body feels good, and things run smoothly. When an important ingredient is missing from the recipe, everything gets thrown off.

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