Posts tagged mthfr
Folate Facts: What It Is, What It Does, Where to Get It, and Where NOT to (You might Be Surprised)

Overlooking the boring-sounding Vitamin B9, also called folate, is the biggest mistake you could make when fine-tuning your nutrition and supplement routine.

This nutrient does a lot. It helps DNA replicate for repairs, helps red blood cells multiply, slows aging, promotes muscle growth, acts as an antioxidant, helps make neurotransmitters like dopamine, helps make hemoglobin, improves fertility, and reduces the risk of birth defects and cancer.

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6 Reasons to Take a Multivitamin

Imagine trying to brush your teeth without toothpaste. It might work, but is it working as well as it could be? You mouth probably doesn’t feel as fresh or as clean as it should after brushing your teeth. Your body works kind of like that when it comes to vitamins and minerals.

Every moment of the day, chemical interactions are happening in your body. For that kind of magic to happen, your body needs the right ingredients. When the right vitamins and minerals are available, every cell is operating at its best, your body feels good, and things run smoothly. When an important ingredient is missing from the recipe, everything gets thrown off.

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