Posts tagged gut health
How I Lowered My High Cholesterol Without Meds - 10 Key Factors Your Doctor May Not Tell You

I was 33 when my doctor’s office called and told me that I had high cholesterol, and they were calling me in a prescription for statins.

“Sometimes it’s just genetic,“ they said, but I knew the side effects of statin medications were not something I wanted. So if going on Lipitor was something that could be prevented with diet and exercise, that’s what I wanted to do.

To be fair, most patients aren’t willing to make the lifestyle changes necessary to control their cholesterol naturally, so I’m not going to go down the path of blaming the doctors and big pharma. There’s a time and a place for what they do. But not for me, an otherwise healthy adult male.

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Harness the Power of Probiotic Foods for a Healthier Life

Want to boost your digestive health and overall well-being? Probiotic foods might be the answer. When you have a healthy microbiome, your entire life is better. People who increase their intake of probiotics often report fewer feelings of anxiety and depression, clearer skin, more satisfying bowel movements, less stress, and better lab numbers at the doctor. Not bad, right?

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