Chocolate Avocado Pudding


It should be no surprise to anyone who has been making an effort to eat well that avocados are healthy. It's kind of a no-brainer. Avocados have healthy fats, fiber, a creamy texture and a mild taste that takes well to sweet or savory dishes. They even have a surprising amount of protein! 

But when it comes to eating more avocado, most people automatically start go right for the guacamole. And with guacamole comes chips, and all the badness that comes with them. And if you’re wondering, there's no such thing as a "bad food," even chips. The issue a lot of the time is quantity, but also corn is more problematic than we realize. There’s essentially nothing wrong with corn, it’s really about the fact that it’s hard to digest, often genetically modified and heavily treated with nasty chemicals that work against us in our bodies. Also, it’s really easy to have an overabundance of carbohydrates and throw off your blood sugar while snacking on chips, lea dinging to cravings for more chips (or sweets, bread, etc.).

So, ditch the chips and guacamole for a second and try something new. Here’s a quick dessert that is tasty and healthy. It’s low in carbs (even keto diet compliant) and can easily be adapted to AIP with just a few tweaks (sub the cocoa for carob, use monk fruit instead of Swerve, and cut the sweeteners in half). This recipe is also perfect for a vegan diet or even a paleo approach. When it comes down to it, its just a solid, healthy recipe that can be enjoyed on a regular basis (just don’t make it so much you get sick of it!)

  • 2 small to medium sized avocados

  • 6-8 Tbsp. cocoa powder, depending on how dark you like your chocolate (sub cocoa for carob if doing AIP)

  • 4 Tbsp. almond butter

  • 2 Tbsp Swerve (erythritol) or monk fruit (lo han guo)

  • 2 pack stevia or 15 drops liquid stevia

  • 1 tbsp Cacao nibs for garnish (optional)

In a food processor, blend the wet ingredients first until the texture is smooth. You can add 1-2 tbsp. almond milk or coconut milk (or even water) if you’d like the texture to be a little softer. Then transfer to individual servings, garnish and chill in the refrigerator for at least an hour (or about 20 min in the freezer if you need them sooner).

Makes 4 servings, for and estimated 180 cal, 15 g fat, 2g protein, 10g carb, 6g fiber. Enjoy!